Lloyd E. "Dabney" Kisner, Jr. at the Mams House in Elkins, W.Va. celebrating his 80th birthday. His sister was Pauline "Polly" Mams, married to Joseph E. Mams of Elkins.
Kisner Family at a Pre-Wedding Party at Cheat Mt. Lodge in Durbin, W.Va. Dancing, left is Edna Kisner with Dr. Franklin J Widney on the right. Seated on bench: left, Pauline Kisner; right, Ann Brammer.
Edna Kisner Holding her Granddaughter Marsha Kay Widney near the Kisner Home in Frank, W.Va. Baby born Dec. 30, 1943 to Dr. Franklin J. and Marguerite Kisner Widney in Elkins, W.Va.