Droop Mountain


Droop Mountain


Civilian Conservation Corps photos. Civil War Battle and Reenactment photos.

Collection Items

Full View of Framed Soldiers Memorial at  Droop Mountain Battlefield State Park
Full View of Framed Soldiers Memorial at Droop Mountain Battlefield State Park

Framed Soldiers Memorial at  Droop Mountain Battlefield State Park
Framed Soldiers Memorial at Droop Mountain Battlefield State Park

Civil War Cannon and Battle Site at  Droop Mountain Battlefield State Park
Civil War Cannon and Battle Site at Droop Mountain Battlefield State Park

Civil War Cannon and Battle Site at  Droop Mountain Battlefield State Park
Civil War Cannon and Battle Site at Droop Mountain Battlefield State Park

Horse Heaven Trail Bridge at  Droop Mountain Battlefield State Park
Horse Heaven Trail bridge at Droop Mountain Battlefield State Park

Water Tank at  Droop Mountain Battlefield State Park
Water Tank in forested area at Droop Mountain Battlefield State Park. Man visible on top of tank

Superintendent's Residence at  Droop Mountain Battlefield State Park
Superintendent's Residence at Droop Mountain Battlefield State Park. Pictured are Carole Holbrook and Melvin T. Corn

Napoleon Holbrook, Supt. At  Droop Mountain Battlefield State Park
Superintendent Napoleon Holbrook, in uniform with dog, at Droop Mountain Battlefield State Park

Unknown CCC Worker with Tent at Camp Price
Unknown CCC Workers in front of tent at Camp Price. Droop Mountain Battlefield State Park

Sam Morrison, Johnnie Hill, Bill Davis at the Hill Reunion 1963
Sam Morrison, Johnnie Hill and Bill Davis dressed as in Civil War days. Hand-painted Photo taken during the Centennial Celebration of the Hill Reunion in 1963.

Henry Blender Memorial Marker at Droop Mt
Memorial Marker, Lieut. Henry Bender. Inscription reads: "Commander Co.F in the last charge that the W.Va. Vol. Inft. Made that broke the Confederate line at the bloody angle, where so many of the brave men of both armies fell. December 8th,…

Tower Portal Construction at Droop Mountain Battlefield State Park
Tower portal at Droop Mountain Battlefield State Park being built by CCC workers at Camp Price

Tower Portal and Entrance to Droop Mountain Battlefield State Park
Small boy standing at the recently completed entrance to Droop Mountain Battlefield State Park

Woman with children at Droop Mountain Battlefield State Park
A woman stands with two small children in front of the tower portal at the entrance to Droop Mountain Battlefield State Park. Picture is blurry.

Lookout Tower at Droop Mountain Battlefield State Park
Color photograph of the lookout tower at Droop Mountain Battlefield State Park

Certificate of Discharge from Civiliian Conservation Corps, Charles Alt
Certificate of Dishcharge from Civilian Conservation Corps. Charles H. Alt, born in Pansy, W.Va., discharged at Camp Price, P-68, by reason of enlisting in the U.S. Army

Argil Rexroad and Charles Ault at Camp Price
Argil Rexroad (Duck, W.Va.) and Charles Ault (Pansy, W.Va.) in front of sign that reads: CCC Camp Price P-68 Company 2598. Droop Mountain Battlefield State Park

CCC Workers Argil Rexroad and Wannie McCartney at Camp Price
CCC Workers Argil Rexroad and Wannie McCartney with Battlefield entrance sign at Camp Price. Droop Mountain Battlefield State Park

CCC Workers Charles Ault and Argil Rexroad at Camp Price
CCC Workers Charles Ault and Argil Rexroad at Camp Price, Droop Mountain Battlefield State Park. Sign reads: "This is God's Country. Do Not Drive Like Hell"

CCC Workers Noble Shaffer and Clifford Perry at Camp Price
CCC Workers Noble Shaffer and Clifford Perry at Camp Price, Droop Mountain Battlefield State Park
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