Browse Items (94 total)

Inside view - auditorium - of Marlinton High School following fire of September 16, 1967

Marlinton Grade School, built in 1906, condemned in 1968 and torn down in 1975. View shows first floor demolished - one interior wall remaining - norht fire escape standing - south fire escape lies in the playground

Marlinton Grade School, built in 1906, condemned in 1968 and torn down in 1975. View shows demolition nearing completion

Marlinton Grade School, built in 1906, condemned in 1968 and torn down in 1975. View of back - first floor being demolished

Marlinton Grade School, built in 1906, condemned in 1968 and torn down in 1975. View of front from street as worker watches last front section come down

Marlinton Grade School, built in 1906, condemned in 1968 and torn down in 1975. View of front Second floor demolished - show man standing by brick frame of principal's office

Marlinton Grade School, built in 1906, condemned in 1968 and torn down in 1975. View of south side, first floor being demolished, playground full of rubble

Demolition of Hillsboro High School. View shows rubble with demolition complete. Top of new elementary school visible in background

Demolition of Hillsboro High School. View of rubble with front entry stairway still standing

Demolition of Hillsboro High School. View shows workers looking at remaining foundation walls

Demolition of Hillsboro High School. View shows rubble with demolition nearly completed

Demolition of Hillsboro High School. View shows top of building coming off
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