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  • Collection: Pearl S. Buck Collection

Unknown Members of Pearl S. Buck Family, Older Man with Three Children in Front of House

Unknown Baby in Pearl S. Buck's Family

Signed Chinese Christmas Card from Pearl and Lossing Buck. Written by Pearl on back: "With best wishes for a happy Christmas from Pearl and Lossing."

Portrait of John Lossing and Pearl S. Buck with their Children, daughter Carol and adopted daughter Janice in China

Stulting Family Sitting on Steps of the Stulting House in Hillsboro. Left to right: Cornelius Stulting, Malvina Stulting, Mamie Stulting, ? Smith, Grace Stulting Smith

Stulting Family Members Standing in Front of the Stulting House in Hillsboro. Left to right: Malvina Stulting, Claude Stulting, Eva Stulting, Clifty (sp) Stulting, Mamie Stulting, Grace Stulting

Stulting women in a horse and buggy. Hermanus Stulting, grandfather of Pearl S. Buck, standing behind the fence. At the Stulting House in Hillsboro.

Portrait of Theodore F. Harris, President of the Pearl S. Buck Foundation and friend of Mrs. Buck in her later years.

Caption on back: "Miki Sawaden talking to T. F. Harris in Elizabeth Saunders Home for war orphans in Japan. Note M.S! expression." (Harris at that time was President of the Pearl S. Buck Foundation)

Pearl and Losing Buck with a group on a boat ride in China in 1917. Caption on back: "This was our boat ride - the surroundings don't look as pretty a they really were. The water is a flooded field. PSB wears a wide black hat. L. B. on her right.…

Housing compound in China where Pearl and Losing Buck lived when they were first married in 1917. Photo taken from atop the wall surrounding the compound.

Street in Chinese city where Pearl and Losing Buck lived in 1917. Shows people, vendors, and woman with feet bound like stumps.

View in the fall of the Stulting House in Hillsboro, West Virginia, prior to renovation.

Back of the Stulting House, birthplace of Pearl S. Buck, prior to Renovation

Back of the Pearl S. Buck Birthplace During Renovation after addition had been removed.
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