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  • Tags: Simmons

Mr. and Mrs. Charlie Simmons at Their Home

Frederick Glenn and Anna Lura Burner and children, Burner Settlement. Left to right: Evelyn Simmons, Frederick Glenn Simmons (b. 1882), Adaline Simmons, Hazel Simmons, Anna Laura Burner Simmons (b. 1881), infant Glenn Miller Simmons, Daisy Dell…

Jacox School Easter Egg Hunt, students and teacher, the school's last year. Front Row L to R:Buster Doss, Claude Simmons, Marie Boggs, Ruth Ann Boggs, Gene Boggs, Juanita Boggs. Middle Row L to R: Jack Boggs, Karl Pritt, Wallace Cochran, Ed Boggs.…

Group of students at Jacox School waiting for the bus to take them to Hillsboro. Last year of the school at Jacox. Front Row L to R: Juanita Boggs (m. Basil Cain); Marie Boggs (unmarried); Claude Simmons, Buster Doss. Back Row L to R: Gene Boggs,…
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