Charles Geese, Sr. on the Street in Front of Kisner's Store in Frank, W.Va. Married Pearl Kisner, sister to Lloyd Kisner, Sr. He was from Baltimore, Maryland and was an engineer and worked for the Western Maryland Railroad.
Certificate of Dishcharge from Civilian Conservation Corps. Charles H. Alt, born in Pansy, W.Va., discharged at Camp Price, P-68, by reason of enlisting in the U.S. Army
Three CCC Workers at Camp Price. Wannie McCartney on the left, Argil Rexroad in the middle, unknown man on the right. Droop Mountain Battlefield State Park
CCC Workers, Noble Shaffer on banjo and Argil Rexroad on guitar, playing on snow-covered ground in front of marker at Camp Price. Droop Mountain Battlefield State Park
CCC Workers Charles Ault and Argil Rexroad at Camp Price, Droop Mountain Battlefield State Park. Sign reads: "This is God's Country. Do Not Drive Like Hell"