Portrait of Edith Elizabeth May of Marlinton, W.Va. Born 1909, died Oct 18, 1976. Daughter of Ransom Cassidy May and Myrtle Good May. Taught art, English and music in the Marlinton Schools for 38 years. Retired in 1972. Sister: Edna Good May Bear.…
The Lobelia Farm Women are pictured at their Christmas meeting in the photograph taken at the Lobelia Lodge Hall on December 30, 1953. Names are from left to right. Kneeling: Nancy Kellison and Josephine Vaughan.Seated: Mabel Barcroft, Zora Cutlip,…
Emma Elizabeth McComb (m. G. Merle Faulknier, Marlinton), Daughter of Alfred Beckley and Emma McLaughlin McComb. Pictured as a young woman in Huntersville, W.Va.
Girl's Tennis Team at the Lewisburg Seminary in Lewisburg, W.Va. Marry Frances Bratton pictured on back row, fourth from left. Daughter of William A. and Fanny Berry Cologne Bratton of Marlinton, W.Va. Married French H. Moore of Huntersville, W.Va.